사춘기 자녀들의 부모님들에게 드리는 질문, To dear adolescent parents, May ask you following questions

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사춘기 자녀들의 부모님들에게 드리는 질문, To dear adolescent parents, May ask you following questions

부모 여러분!

Q.사춘기 자녀들을 조건 없이 진심으로 사랑하십니까.

Q.사춘기 자녀들을 사랑하시는 데 어려움이 있습니까,

Q.사춘기가 무엇인지 아십니까.

Q.사춘기 자녀가 나를 사랑하시나요.” 물을 때 그렇다라고 바로 대답하실 수 있습니까

Q.사춘기 아이들의 우울증의 원인증상진단과 치료 예방에 관해 아십니까.

Q.사춘기 자녀들이 분노를 적절히 표출하는 방법을 가르쳐 주십니까.

Q.사춘기 자녀들이 영적으로 지적으로 순리적으로 건전하게 성장하도록 도와주시고 있다고 믿습니까.

Q.사춘기 자녀들의 행복하고 안정된 삶은 엄마아빠의 부부생활과 직결된다는 사실을 아십니까.

Q. 엄마나 아빠가 한 사춘기 자녀만 어디로 데리고 가서 그 자녀가 이 세상에서 가장 중요한 자녀라고 사랑해 주신 적이 있습니까또 그 자녀와 진지하게 대화하면서 집중적 관심적 사랑을 온통 쏘다 주신 적이 있습니까.

Q.사춘기 자녀들이 매년마다 소아청소년과에서 정기적으로 건강검진을 받고 그 자녀가 신체적으로정신적으로 건강한지 확인 하십니까.

Q. 자녀들은 부모 여러분의 삶에서 가장 먼저 가는 우선 순위에 있다는 것을 아십니까.

그렇다면자녀양육 지침서가 있습니까자녀양육에 관한 세미나나 모임에 자주 가십니까.

Q. 사춘기 자녀들에게 정규 소아 성교육을 시키십니까.

Q. 습관성 약물사용흡연알코올 등은 신체적으로 정신적으로 대단히 유해하다는 것을 교육시켰습니까그런 것이 관련되지 않도록 예방 교육을 시키십니까

Q. 사춘기 자녀들에게 이상적 데이트 방법이나 결혼 대상자를 구하는 방법을 가르쳤습니까

Q. 사춘기 자녀들과 그의 장래 직업 선택에 관해 의견을 교환해 보신 적이 있습니까.

Q. 대학에 입학하기 전 가고 싶어 하는 대학교에 사춘기 자녀와 함께 직접 가서 두루 살펴보신 적이 있습니까.

Q. 사춘기 자녀들에게 건전한 자부심을 갖고 사는 방법을 가르쳐 주신 적이 있습니까?

Q. 사춘기 자녀들과 원할 하게 대화를 하십니까.

23권 사춘기 아이들의 성장 발육  질병 웹사이트는 여러분들에게  사춘기 자녀를 정신적으로 육체적으로 건강하게 양육하는 길을 가리켜 줄 수 있는 등대가 될 것입니다.

To dear adolescent parents, May ask you the following questions Parents!

Q. Do you truly love your adolescent children unconditionally?

Q. Do you have any difficulties in loving your adolescent children?

Q. Do you know what puberty is?

Q. Adolescent children say, “Do you love me?” Can you answer “yes” right away when asked?

Q. Do you know about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of depression in adolescents?

Q. Do you teach adolescents how to properly express their anger?

Q. Do you believe that you are helping your adolescent children to grow spiritually, intellectually, and physically soundly?

Q. Did you know that the happy and stable life of adolescent children is directly related to the married life of mothers and fathers?

Q. Has your mother or father ever took only one adolescent child to where you loved them as the most important child in the world? And has she ever had her serious conversations with the child blast her intensively caring love all over?

Q. Do your adolescent children receive regular health check-ups at the Department of Pediatrics every year to ensure that they are physically and mentally healthy?

Q. Did you know that your children are the number one priority in your life? If so, are there any parenting guidelines? Do you often go to seminars or meetings about raising children?

Q. Do you provide regular pediatric sex education to your adolescent children?

Q. Have you been taught that habitual drug use, smoking, and alcohol are very harmful both physically and mentally? Do you train them to prevent such things from being involved?

Q. Have you taught your teenage children how to ideally date or find a marriage partner? Q. Have you ever exchanged opinions with your teenage children about their future career choices?

Q. Before entering college, have you ever gone to the university you want to go with your teenage children and looked around?

Q. Have you ever taught your adolescent children how to live with healthy self-esteem?

Q. Do you have a smooth conversation with your adolescent children? “Volume 23 Growth and Developmental Diseases of Adolescents Website” will be a beacon that can point you on the path to raising your adolescent children mentally and physically healthy.

출처  참조 문헌 Sources and references

  • NelsonTextbook of Pediatrics 22ND Ed
  • The Harriet Lane Handbook 22ND Ed
  • Growth and development of the children
  • Red Book 32nd Ed 2021-2024
  • Neonatal Resuscitation, American Academy of Pediatrics
  • The Johns Hopkins Hospital, The Harriet Lane Handbook, 22nd edition
  • Red book 31st edition 2021
  • Nelson Text Book of Pediatrics 21st Edition
  • Infectious disease of children, Saul Krugman, Samuel L Katz, Ann A. Gershon, Catherine Wilfert
  • Emergency Care Transportation of Sick and Injured American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Emergency Pediatrics A Guide to Ambulatory Care, Roger M. Barkin, Peter Rosen
  • Gray’s Anatomy
  • Ambulatory Pediatrics, Green and Haggerty, Saunders
  • Introduction to Clinical Pediatrics, Smith and Marshall, W.B. Saunders Co
  • School Health: A Guide For Health Professionals, American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Holly Bible
  • How to really love your child Ross Campbell
  • Good Behavior Stephen W. Garber, Ph.D. and other
  • Kids Who follow, Kids who don’t
  • Loving Each Other Leo F Buscaglia, Ph, D.
  • Guide to Your Child’s Sleep. American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Hematology and Oncology in Adolescence, Neil J. Grossman, M.D., Stuart S. Winter, M.D., Adolescent Medicine, and The Media Adolescents Medicine
  • AM: Stars Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, Asthma, and Diabetes in Adolescents, Robert A. Wood, M.D., Samuel J. Casella, M.D. April 2010, AAP
  • AM: Stars Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Adolescents, Amy E. Sass, M.D., MPH, David W. Kaplan, M.D., MPH Editors December 2010, AAP
  • The Pediatric Clinics of North America, Adolescent Gynecology, Part II THe Sexually Active Adolescent, August 1999
  • The Pediatric Clinics of North America, Childhood and Adolescent Obesity, August 2001
  • Adolescent Dermatology, Daniel P. Krowchuk, M.D., Anne W. Lucky, M.D., Adolescent Medicine, 12:2 June 2001
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders, Jeffrey S. Hyams. M.D. Editor, Adolescent Medicine
  • Fueling the Teen Machine, Ellen Shanley and Colleen Thompson
  • Why Teenagers Act the Way They Do, Eight Adolescent Personality Types: Understanding and Dealing With Them, Dr. G. Keith Olson
  • Adolescent Psychiatry, Adolescent Medicine Clinics, Feb. 2006 Vol 17 #1 Richard E. Kreipe, M.D., Christopher H. Hodgman, M.D.
  • Adolescent and the Media, Adolescent Medicine Clinics June 2005 Vol 16 #3, Guest Editors: Victor C. Strasburger, Marjorie J. Hogan, M.D.
  • 진정한 자녀 사랑 나비게이터
  • 10대 아들 딸 이렇게 사랑해 키워라 이상원 역저 (How to really love your teenager. Ross Campbell MD)
  • 소아과학 대한교과서
  • 의학 용어사전  대한 의사 협회
  • 그 외

Copyright ⓒ 2015 John Sangwon Lee, MD, FAAP

미국 소아과 전문의한국 소아청소년과 전문의 이상원 저 부모도 반의사가 되어야 한다”-내용은 여러분들의 의사로부터 얻은 정보와 진료를 대신할 수 없습니다.

The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your doctor. There may be variations in treatment that your doctor may recommend based on individual facts and ircumstances. “Parental education is the best medicine.”